Lots of built-in automator options from ABBYY. Incidentally: I have an automator action to let me send files directly to Fine Reader for recognition from Finder and land the results on the desktop. When I was in grad school, scanning an entire book every day, I would not want to have been on a Mac.
That's a long walk, but depends on how intensively you oCR. Windows will work fine without buying it, particularly from a blind person's perspective. No real comparison with the Fine Reader Engine, though.Īnother option is to create a Bootcamp partition with an unactivated Windows copy and put KNFBReader or whatever on there. If you're just scanning the mail, then apps like Prizmo can be ok. Honestly, an IPhone on a stand plus KNFBReader for IOS can be a Mac OCR replacement. The Enterprise licensing makes it a worthy investment, though they're screwing over those of us who were early adopters before the Enterprise license was a thing. Fine reader's lack of immediate editing is definitely a pain, but one can scan a couple of pages, open the file, and then batch scan the rest. It became better than the ScanSoft engine found in OmniPage and Jaws some versions back, in my experience. If you need real accuracy, as in scanning books for school or work, then the Fine Reader Engine used by KNFBReader and ABBYY can't really be replaced.