This section will address three of them, mostly focusing on the Windows Speech Recognition program built into this operating system. If you’re using Microsoft’s word processor on a Windows computer, you have several voice-recognition options. In this guide, we’ll focus on three of the most popular word processors: Microsoft Word, Apple Pages, and Google Docs. Whatever operating system and software you’re using, you can find a variety of free tools and commercial packages to translate your voice into print. Plus, you don’t even need additional hardware-your computer’s built-in microphone should be more than capable of picking up your words. In fact, depending on your typing speed, it may be quicker for you to speak your text than to type it. Thanks to steady improvements in voice-recognition tools, having a computer interpret your spoken text is no longer the exercise in frustration it once was. Whether you’re worried about damage or just want to give your fingers a break, voice dictation can help. Typing can cause a serious health problem: repetitive strain injury, or RSI, affects hundreds of thousands of people each year.